Taverner-12 July 1972 Evening

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Opera: Performance details

Company: The Royal Opera
Venue: Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, London
Performance status: Original season
Conductor Edward Downes
Director of the Early Music Consort of London David Munrow
Chorus Master Douglas Robinson
Leader Charles Taylor
Leader Peter Gibbs
White Abbot Raimund Herincx
John Taverner Ragnar Ulfung
Richard Taverner
later St. John
Gwynne Howell
Rose Parrowe
later the Virgin Mary
Gillian Knight
later God the father
James Bowman
Boy David Pearl
later Archbishop
John Lanigan
King Noel Mangin
later Death and Joking Jesus
Benjamin Luxon
First Monk Francis Egerton
Second Monk Adrian de Peyer
Antichrist Robert Bowman
Archangel Gabriel John Dobson
Archangel Michael Dennis Wicks
Captain Paul Hudson
The Royal Opera Chorus
Extra Chorus
Students of Finchley Catholic High School
Children from Haberdashers' Aske's School (Elstree)
The Orchestra of the Royal Opera House
The Early Music Consort of London
Language: English
Information source: Royal Opera House programme for 12 July 1972 (in Royal Opera House Collections)