Hansel and Gretel-28 December 2008 Evening 7.30pm

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Opera: Performance details

Company: The Royal Opera
Venue: Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, London
Performance status: Original season
Conductor Robin Ticciati
Children's Chorus Director Simon Toyne
Concert Master Peter Manning
Gretel Camilla Tilling
Hansel Alice Coote
their mother
Irmgard Vilsmaier
their father, a broom maker
Eike Wilm Schulte
Sandman Eri Nakamura
Dew Fairy Simona Mihai
Witch Ann Murray
Angels, children Tiffin Boys' Choir
Tiffin Children's Chorus
The Orchestra of the Royal Opera House
Language: German
Surtitled by: Judi Palmer
Durations: Acts I and II: 7.36-8.35pm, Act III: 9.02-9.44pm
Information source: Royal Opera House cast sheet for 28 December 2008 (in Royal Opera House Collections)