Different Drummer-2 March 1985 Evening

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Ballet: Performance details

Company: The Royal Ballet
Venue: Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, London
Performance status: Revival
Conductor Howard Williams
Leader Hugh Maguire
Woyzeck Stephen Jefferies
his common-law wife
Maria Almeida
Drum Major Ashley Page
Woyzeck's friend
Guy Niblett
Captain David Drew
Doctor Jonathan Burrows
A Soldier Jonathan Cope
Soldier Phillip Broomhead
Soldier Antony Dowson
Soldier Ross MacGibbon
Soldier Bruce Sansom
Other Soldiers and Women Artists of The Royal Ballet
The Orchestra of the Royal Opera House
Event: Number 2 in The Royal Ballet mixed programme 2 March 1985
Information source: Royal Opera House programme for 2 March 1985 (in Royal Opera House Collections)