La Belle Hélène - Act III 'Trio Patriotique'-17 July 2010 Matinee 1.00pm

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Opera: Performance details

Company: Jette Parker Young Artists Programme
Venue: Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, London
Performance status: Excerpt
Conductor Robin Stapleton
Concert Master Peter Manning
Ménélas Steven Ebel
Agamemnon Changhan Lim
Calchas Lukas Jakobski
The Orchestra of the Royal Opera House
Sponsor: Oak Foundation (performance)
Language: French
Durations: Part 2: 2.29-3.34pm
Event: Number 6 in Jette Parker Young Artists Summer Performance 17 July 2010 matinee
Information source: Royal Opera House programme for 17 July 2010 (in Royal Opera House Collections)