The Trojans at Carthage-21 September 1977 Evening

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Opera: Performance details

Company: The Royal Opera
Venue: Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, London
Performance status: Original season
Conductor Colin Davis
Chorus Master John Bacon
Leader John Brown
Queen of Carthage, widow of Sychaeus, King of Tyre
Yvonne Minton
her sister
Anne Collins
Dido's minister
Joseph Rouleau
a Trojan hero
Richard Cassilly
son of Aeneas
Ann Murray
a Trojan Priest
Michael Langdon
a Carthaginian poet
John Brecknock
The God Mercury Geoffrey Thompson
Hylas Robin Leggate
First Soldier Eric Garrett
Second Soldier Paul Hudson
Ghost of Priam Forbes Robinson
Ghost of Coroebus Norman Welsby
Ghost of Cassandra Elizabeth Sikora
Ghost of Hector Gwynne Howell
Soldiers of Greece, Troy and Carthage, Citizens, Courtiers, Nymphs, Fauns, Satyrs, Invisible Spirits, Sailors and Priests The Royal Opera Chorus
The Orchestra of the Royal Opera House
Language: English
Translator: Edward J Dent
Information source: Royal Opera House programme for 21 September 1977 (in Royal Opera House Collections)