Dialogues des Carmélites-9 June 2014 Evening 7.30pm

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Performance details

Company: The Royal Opera
Venue: Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, London
Performance status: Original season
Conductor Simon Rattle
Chorus Director Renato Balsadonna
Chorus Master for this production Stephen Westrop
Concert Master Vasko Vassilev
Chevalier de la Force Yann Beuron
Marquis de la Force
His father
Thomas Allen
Blanche de la Force
Daughter of the Marquis
Sally Matthews
Their Vallet
Neil Gillespie
Madame de Croissy
Deborah Polaski
Sister Constance of St Denis Anna Prohaska
Mother Marie of the Incarnation Sophie Koch
Monsieur Javelinot
A Physician
John Bernays
Madame Lidoine
The New Prioress
Emma Bell
Sister Antoine Yvonne Barclay
Sister Valentine Katy Batho
Sister Gertrude Tamsin Coombs
Sister Martha Eileen Hamilton
Sister Anne of the Cross Anne Osborne
Sister St Charles Deborah Peake Jones
Mother Gerald
Carmelite nun
Louise Armit
Sister Alice
Carmelite nun
Andrea Hazell
Sister Claire
Carmelite nun
Elizabeth Key
Sister Felicity
Carmelite nun
Kate McCarney
Sister Catherine
Carmelite nun
Deborah Pearce
Sister Mathilde Catherine Carby
Mother Jeanne of the child Jesus
Dean of the community
Elizabeth Sikora
Father Confessor of the Convent Alan Oke
First commissary David Butt Philip
Second commissary Michel de Souza
Officer Ashley Riches
Gaoler Craig Smith
Revolutionaries, officials of the municipality, officers, police, prisoners, guards. The Royal Opera Chorus
Extra Chorus
Royal Opera House Community Ensemble
The Orchestra of the Royal Opera House
Language: French
Surtitled by: Jacqueline Page
Durations: Act I: 7.32-8.38pm, Act II & III: 9.08-10.39pm
Information source: Royal Opera House cast sheet and stage manager's report for 9 June 2014 (in Royal Opera House Collections)