Don Quixote-3 November 2001 Matinee

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Ballet: Performance details

Company: The Royal Ballet
Venue: Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, London
Performance status: Original season
Conductor Charles Barker
Concert Master Peter Manning
Don Quixote William Tuckett
Sancho Panza
his squire
Philip Mosley
the innkeeper
David Drew
his daughter
Alina Cojocaru
a young barber
Ivan Putrov
a rich nobleman
Luke Heydon
Friend of Kitri Marianela Nuñez
Friend of Kitri Gillian Revie
Street Dancer Zenaida Yanowsky
Espada Martin Harvey
Gypsy Woman Christina Arestis
Gypsy Woman Leire Ortueta
Gypsy Boy Kenta Kura
The Queen of the Dryads Mara Galeazzi
Amour Laura Morera
Dulcinea Alina Cojocaru
Tavern Keeper Tom Sapsford
Fandango Genesia Rosato
Fandango David Pickering
Bridesmaid Laura Morera
Townspeople, Matadors, Gypsies, Dryads Artists of The Royal Ballet
Townspeople, Matadors, Gypsies, Dryads Students of The Royal Ballet School
Junior Associates of The Royal Ballet School
The Orchestra of the Royal Opera House
Durations: Act I: 46 minutes, First Interval: 25 minutes, Act II: 29 minutes, Second Interval: 20 minutes, Act III: 33 minutes
Information source: Royal Opera House cast sheet for 3 November 2001 (in Royal Opera House Collections)