'Still Life' at the Penguin Café-27 May 1996 Evening

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Performance details

Company: The Birmingham Royal Ballet
Venue: Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, London
Performance status: Original season
Conductor Leslie B Dunner
Leader Yuri Torchinsky
Air à danser
The Great Auk Reiko Miura
Prelude and Yodel
Utah Longhorn Ram Dorcas Walters
Dancer Timothy Cross
Long Distance
Texan Kangaroo Rat Robert Parker
The Ecstasy of Dancing Fleas
Humboldt's Hog-nosed Skunk Flea Jennifer Gelfand
White Mischief
Southern Cape Zebra Asier Uriagereka
Dancer Simone Clarke
Dancer Anne Marie Little
Dancer Grace Maduell
Dancer Nicole Tongue
Dancer Andrea Tredinnick
Dancer Dorcas Walters
Dancer Chenca Williams
Dancer Monica Zamora
Now Nothing
Dancer Ravenna Tucker
Dancer Nils-Bertil Wallin
Dancer Nicola Key
Music by Numbers
Brazilian Woolly Monkey Paul Bayes-Kitcher
Dancer Elizabeth Gray
Dancer Lei Zhao
Numbers One to Four
Artists of The Birmingham Royal Ballet
Contralto Diana Moore
The Royal Ballet Sinfonia
Durations: Entire work: 37 minutes
Event: Number 3 in The Birmingham Royal Ballet mixed programme 27 May 1996
Information source: Royal Opera House cast sheet for 27 May 1996 (in Royal Opera House Collections)